Tags: wordpress
New Responsive Images in WordPress 4.4 and How to Adjust Them to a Theme.
WordPress since version 4.4 has implemented responsive images functionality. Here’s how to adjust it to your custom theme.Continue reading
No Editor Icons, Empty Editor Boxes, Problems with Featured Image Upload in WordPress Back-end Problem
I had a problem on some WordPress site’s back-end with empty meta boxes, no icons in wordpress text editor, featured image uploading lightbox didn’t worked etc. Thank God, there is a solution.
Best Plugin for WordPress Migration
All-in-One WP Migration never fails. It migrates all your data from one WordPress site to another empty WordPress installation within several minutes. Continue reading
Add Missing .woocommerce Class And Other Classes to Pages Used by WooCommerce
When making modifications to WooCommerce I found some pages I made do not have a basic .woocommerce class, which is used in CSS. Such as some plugins pages and categories filtered by attributes. Here’s the easy way to add .woocommerce class to such pages.Continue reading
Allow Markup in WordPress Category Descriptions
Simple code adds an ability to include HTML markup into category descriptions. A functionality disabled by default in WordPress.Continue reading
WordPress Themes Using CSS and XTHML
WordPress.com is an effective medium to sell brands or services online. Through this free and open-source blogging tool, you get the freedom to express anything you feel or post anything you want to sell on the World Wide Web without having to buy a domain.Continue reading
Easily Move Woocommerce WordPress Site with Duplicator Plugin
I found this great plugin and easily duplicated a complex wordpress site with woocommerce to another hosting. Worked very well!Continue reading
Installing WordPress At The Domain Root, But In Its Own Folder
Put your WordPress installation in a separate folder on FTP, but still have site accessible from the domain root. It’s easy and makes your FTP organized better. Continue reading
Change “Continue reading →” of Twenty Eleven WordPress Theme from its Child Theme functions.php
Change default “Continue reading →” text after an excerpt in WordPress default Twenty Eleven from functions.php of your child theme. Both for Custom Excerpts and Auto Generated Excerpts.Continue reading
How to Fix Wrong Path to WordPress Site Address, When Error Was Done in Admin Settings?
When you develop a wordpress site in a folder and then want to move the site to the root, it’s easy to make an error when changing WordPress address (URL) and Site address (URL) in WP Admin / Settings. But after this change you can’t enter admin anymore. What to do if this error was made? Continue reading
Can’t Install WordPress Plugins: Increase Memory Limit
Sometimes there are problems with wordpress plugins installations and updates. This happens due to different server security policies and limits. Here’s how to increase wp memory limit for your site in wordpress 3.1.3.Continue reading
WordPress Speed Optimization
WordPress site optimization plugins speed study. The winners are probably Hyper Cache and DB Cache Reloaded. They can be configured by any user, and had performed good. I’ve tried also W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache, WP Widget Cache and Quick Cache, but didn’t seen such results, as 2 above. Also W3 Total Cache was not easy to configure.Continue reading