Sometimes there is a situation, when we don’t have the right background image to cover whole area of site’s window for all resolutions. Here’s a quick CSS reference to make background image resize to whole screen.
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How to Make Background Image to Cover Whole Browser Window
Easiest Blockquote Quotation Marks CSS
Blockquote quotation marks styling can be tricky. Here’s a simple example on how to add simple quotes to a paragraph of quoted text. IE7 degrades graciously 🙂
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CSS to Specify Rules for iPad and iPhone
Specific CSS can be applied to iPad and iPhone devices.
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XHTML Flash Embed Code
This is the code to embed flash files on XHTML pages.
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User Agent Switchers Extensions for Firefox and Google Chrome
When you need to check a mobile version of a site on your desktop, have to use this add-ons. I tested and found them working.
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Adding More Posts Links with Featured Images to WordPress Templates with Mini Loops Plugin
Mini Loops is a very useful plugin to feature posts in widgets area. It is also can be included to template files. We’ll use it to feature some more posts on a blog’s homepage.
Rounded Borders, Gradients for IE7 and IE8 with CSS3 PIE
CSS3PIE helper script can help to use regular CSS3 properties to style IE7 and IE8 browsers HTML. It adds support for border-radius, box-shadow, border-image, multiple background images and linear-gradient as background image to old Internet Explorer browsers and IE9.
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Authors List Widget and Full Featured Author Page with HTML Editing for WordPress
Let’s create a list of blog authors dynamic widget and a full HTML capable authors pages. We’ll use 2 plugins to make it.
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CSS3 Placeholder Styling + jQuery Plugins to Enable Placeholders in IE
HTML5 placeholders do not work in Internet Explorer Browsers, prior to IE10. Here are some solutions I tested: Continue reading
Change “Continue reading →” of Twenty Eleven WordPress Theme from its Child Theme functions.php
I found it’s hard to change “Continue reading →” text after an Excerpt in WordPress default Twenty Eleven theme from my child theme. It should be done from child theme’s functions.php Continue reading