Category: WordPress
Randomize Predefined Colors for WordPress Theme Element
Randomize colors for any CSS selector in WordPress theme from your theme functions.phpContinue reading
Output Total Number of Locations from Store Locator Plus Plugin
Create a WordPress theme shortcode to show a total locations count from Store Locator Plus plugin.Continue reading
Remove Google Fonts from Woo Storefront Theme
Dequeue Google font from WooThemes Storefront theme, which was included into it after last September 2016 update. You may also replace default Storefront font with another one from Google fonts repository.Continue reading
Custom Transformer Rules Settings when Importing Posts from WordPress as Facebook Instant Articles
Eliminate errors caused by unrecognized HTML code when converting to Facebook Instant Articles formatting with FBIA WordPress plugin Custom Transformer Rules.Continue reading
Arconix FAQ Plugin Customization for Better Speed with Autoptimize
Resolve problems with Arconix FAQ used together with Autoptimize minification plugin in WordPress.Continue reading
Woocommerce: Remove One of Product Dimensions from Frontend
Remove specific products dimensions from displaying dimensions set of Additional Information Woocommerce tab and all other appearances of dimensions on front-end theme. In this case I’m removing the Height.Continue reading
How to Add Accelerated Mobile Pages to WordPress Site
Accelerated Mobile Pages versions are pushed by Google with a promise of better search results ranking. They could be added relatively easily to any WordPress site with the help of official WordPress Automattic plugin. Here’s how to tweak them further on your site and to avoid validation errors in Google Search Console.Continue reading
Remove Brackets for Category Counts On Woocommerce Storefront Theme Homepage
A code to remove brackets from your storefront homepage category products count display and some CSS to style it with background and rounded.Continue reading
Replace Woocommerce Breadcrumbs in Storefront Theme with Yoast SEO Breadcrumbs
Replace woocommerce storefront theme breadcrumbs with options-rich seo yoast plugin’s breadcrumbs without changing their design.Continue reading
New Responsive Images in WordPress 4.4 and How to Adjust Them to a Theme.
WordPress since version 4.4 has implemented responsive images functionality. Here’s how to adjust it to your custom theme.Continue reading
Cleaning BuddyPress Activity Streams
BuddyPress activity streams look too crowded. Had to clean them.Continue reading
Adding New BuddyPress 2.4 Cover Images to Twenty-Fourteen Child Theme with Active RTL language
I had a strange problem with newest cover images functionality on BuddyPress 2.4 new installation: cover images were uploading OK, but didn’t showed after page reload. Here’s my code to resolve this problem.Continue reading