As already known Google Scholar can’t be imported into WordPress site, it doesn’t provide any API. But individual citations could be exported manually and imported into many different services and plugins. So our goal is to make export and import process easier.
First of all I’ve searched WordPress plugins repository to find something that could handle citations for my site well. 2 plugins were looking good and updated: teachPress and Zotpress.
teachPress is a nice and easy plugin to build and maintain your citations index (courses section could be easily disabled). I liked it very much, but I had to find something that will help me to easily get Google Scholar listings. Of cause you could try export each article to a file from Google, and then to import it into teachPress. Seems to be hell of a task.
I’ve tried a second plugin . It connects to Zotero library tool. In between you should also have a Firefox add-on (or stand-alone Zotero) to harvest citations from Google Scholar, or actually anything.
Steps to Import Citations:
- Create a free account on Zotero site. Create a group, if needed, and add your clients/other users to group, so they’ll be able to update this collection of citations too.
- Add Zotero Firefox addon. In preferences add your Zotero account to sync with their site. Find your group, if any, in the file tree and select it.
Go to Google Scholar member or articles you want to cite. Enter article’s page. In the bar of Firefox you will see the icon to save citation to Zotero library. Article will be imported into your collection. Much easier than to export and import manually.
- Now click on Zotero sync icon on the right inside addon. Your collection will update library you created before.
- Now go to your WordPress installation and install Zotpress plugin. Connect it to Zotero account too.
Pick a style for your citations (how you want to display the listing). There are some default styles, and more could be found here, preview them and decide what’s good 4u. I.e. I didn’t liked links to articles and numbering for citations, so I searched for styles without such features. And you can import needed styles from repository by adding their name in plugin’s options and they’re also installed into Firefox add on, when you click on them.
- When library imported to wp plugin, you will need to generate a shortcode to display it. In fact just go to a page where it should reside, and you’ll notice a new editor panel, with shortcode generation option. Otherwise a shortcode could be prepared referring to Help in plugin’s settings. It will look something like:
[zotpress style="american-journal-of-medical-genetics" sortby="date" sort="desc"]
- Now your page will display your library of citations. Add more from other articles and sync from plugin to You’ll need to manually import to plugin again, but it is easy.
So all available articles were imported, and you may also want to create an alert on Google Scholar to send you notifications of a newly published articles by that scholar.